Reconstruction of Saulgriežu Street from Kalnu Street to Labrenča Street in Baloži, Ķekava region, 1st stage

Customer: Ķekava municipality

Executor: SIA “VIA”

Type of construction: reconstruction

Construction time: 10.2020. – 09.2021.

Main works performed: demolition and preparation works; construction of plastic pipe culverts d = 1.0m, d = 0.6m and d = 0.5m; earthworks; construction of road curbs; frost-resistant layer construction; geogrid construction; construction of 0 / 63ps mineral mixture; construction of a mixture of mineral materials 0/45; construction of hot asphalt AC22 base S-IV; hot asphalt ac11 surf. S-III class construction; construction of 6 cm of paved stone colormix pavement; landscaping of landslides, ditches and other areas by sowing a 15 cm thick layer of prepared plant land with a mixture of lawn seeds; installation of horizontal signs with thermoplastic materials; construction of rainwater sewerage (LKT); lighting (ELTA) construction; distribution network and subscriber cable relocation (ELT), etc. works.

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