VIA Ceļu būve
+371 67 374 581
Customer: VAS “Latvijas Valsts celi”
Construction period: 08.2019. - 10.2019
The main work performed: leveling the asphalt concrete pavement with an average thickness of 3 cm; cleaning of ditches; installation of culverts d=0.5m and d=1m with straight inlet and outlet ends; edge filling, profiling and sealing; repair of hot asphalt deposits with the AC22 bunker; repair of hot asphalt profiles using the AC16 bunker; device for hot asphalt concrete screed AC11surf; construction of passenger platforms (14x2.5 m) with AC6 asphalt concrete pavement; installation of safety barriers N2 W2; construction of a point for periodic traffic registration, etc. is working.
Reģ. nr.: 41203000663
PVN nr.: LV41203000663
Banka: OP Corporate Bank plc
filiāle Latvijā, OKOYLV2X
Konta nr.: LV64OKOY0005100035886
Starta iela 5,
Rīga, LV-1026
(Pie Brasas tilta)
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